212 389 2535, 917 226 8663
Dominican Republic - Ritmex Consultora S.R.L.
Malaysia - Zero Emission Resources Sdn Bhd

Stop Land Filling & Practice 4Rs


Go paperless! Have bank credit card statements delivered electronically.


When consumer reuse products & manufacturer use less material, less energy is needed to retrieve process When consumer reuse products & manufacturer use less material, less energy is needed to retrieve process & transport raw material & to manufacturer use less material, less energy is needed to retrieve. Process and transport raw material & manufacture product.


Recycle is throwing money away. Recyclable worth S11.4 billion were land fitted in 2010. We also throw away 73 million tons of metal annually that amount of steel in over 90 golden gate bridge.


Most sustainable in the world is recyclable 65% or more then recover energy from the trash left over west to energy plants. If we did that in the US we could supply 5.5 million home electricity from trash every year.